Friday, August 26, 2011

Missionary Obedience

Written by Hoyt. H. Freeman-- Aug. 26, 2011

When I was in Toyota my first two transfers, we worked so hard and were so obedient.  It was when we were working our hardest.  We knew we had five weeks left in my second transfer, so there was time to find and baptize.  We worked.

I remember feeling really depressed one day and just thinking that our obedience and effort just weren’t working.  I felt that God was overlooking us.  I remember praying and getting a confirmation that God knew us and our efforts.  It was the next day we received a phone call from the Gurrs (office couple.)  They asked us to call a lady from the Philippines, a less active lady. 

When we called her, she was overcome with joy.  She didn’t think the Church was in Japan.  She then mentioned her daughter Veenalyn.  She gave the phone to her.  She told us over and over, “Baputesuma o uketai.” (I want to receive baptism.)  It was an answer to prayers.  She was later baptized and confirmed. 

This experience helped me to rely on the Lord.  The only success we can receive is from our Heavenly Father.  We must be obedient and wait on Him.  Surely we should do everything that lies in our power so we may see the hand of God.  This I know is true.  

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